Here is the article from the October 23 edition of The Parrish Village News (page 31).
If you’ve seen a show by Parrish Playworks in the last five years, chances are great that you’ve seen our favorite young actor, Jay Wright, all over the stage. Literally. You will find him hiding under tables, jumping down stairs, falling off stools, and squeezing into spots that you’d think that a guy his size couldn’t. Although he is sometimes cast as the big, bad guy—his 6’2” frame and sizable physique can easily fit into the role of a villain—he is very much at home in comedy. He’s played everything from mobsters and hit men to nervous butlers and shy, young Southern preachers. Jay is a natural performer with a deep and resonant speaking and singing voice that is operatic in range. When he takes on a role, he brings it vividly to life.
In the past three months, our friend Jay’s life has taken a dramatic turn. In July he was diagnosed with acute leukemia. Since that time, he has spent more time in a hospital bed than he’s been at home. He has had several rounds of intense chemotherapy. Of course, his body has had strong reactions to all that chemical onslaught. His days are now booked with lab work, injections, infusions, transfusions, bone marrow biopsies, and then more blood work. Jay is twenty-five years old and within several months he will need a bone marrow transplant to survive this battle. All treatment now is meant to get him healthy enough for that. Jay’s mother Melanie has been by his side throughout this struggle. She is not able to work more than a few hours a week because of the total care that Jay needs presently, and their family income has been cut in half.
Here's where you can help. A family member has started a GoFundMe account for Jay and his family. It will help to cover medical expenses that insurance won’t and help with gas, groceries and other necessities for him and his family. We at Parrish Playworks as a group and as individuals have given to help defray the terrible cost of treating this deadly disease.
Won’t you join us to see that Jay has all the support he needs to successfully complete his leukemia journey? Please consider donating to (Jays Leukemia Journey). Gift cards can be sent to our Parrish Playworks P.O. Box 142, Parrish, FL 34219. Please don’t forget to pray!
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